Super Collapse Ii Platinum

Level 63 - Tricky 2:
1. Click on the bottom of the two bombs.
2. Click on the blue blocks, then click on the remaining bomb.
3. Click on the greens, yellows, then white blocks to complete this level.

Level 64 - Mustache Fella:
1. Detonate the two bottom bombs to drop two other bombs.
2. Detonate the two top bombs to clear away all of the top blocks.
3. Detonate the two bottom bombs to complete this level.

Level 66 - Sunshine Smile:
1. Click on the large group of yellow blocks in the middle.
2. Click on either bottom bomb.
3. Click on the lowest bomb, then on the two groups of red blocks.
4. Click on the only remaining bomb at the bottom.
5. Click on either one of the top bombs to complete this level.

Level 67 - Outer Fuse:
1. Remove the blocks in the right column starting at the top.
2. Click on the bottom right bomb three times.
3. Remove as many blocks as you can from the remaining left column.
4. Click on the bottom bomb three times to complete this level.

Level 68 - A Over B:
1. Click on the white blocks.
2. Click on the group of blue blocks near the bottom.
3. Place your cursor on the middle block on the bottom row and click 10 times.

Super collapse ii platinum download

Level 70 - Yin Yang:
1. Click on the three yellow blocks at the bottom right corner.
2. Click on the large group of white blocks, then click on the group of blues.
3. Remove all of the reds, the remaining whites, then the yellows.

Level 71 - Drop in the Bucket:
1. Click on the four blue blocks on the fourth row up.
2. Click on the four white blocks in the fourth column from the right.
3. Click on the four blue blocks on the second row from the top.
4. In the middle, click on the four blue blocks, then the three red blocks.
5. Click on the large group of green blocks on the third row up.
6. Click on the red blocks on the second row up.
7. Click on the bottom blue blocks, then the three red blocks in the middle.
8. Click on all three white groups, then the two yellow groups.
9. Click on the remaining green, red, then blue blocks to finish this level.

Level 72 - Redfall:
1. At the bottom center, click on the 3 blue blocks, 3 red blocks, then 3 blue blocks. Click on the 3 blue blocks to the left of center, on the 7 red blocks, the 3 blue blocks, then detonate the bomb and click on the remaining 3 red blocks.

Level 73 - Meander:
1. Click on the four red blocks on the right.
2. Click on the line of six blue blocks near the middle.
3. Click on the white blocks.
4. Click on the three red blocks at the bottom left.
5. At the bottom, click on the long line of green blocks then blue blocks.
6. Click on the three green blocks at the bottom right.
7. Click on the four greens then four reds at the bottom left.
8. Click on the upper set of four blue blocks.
9. Click on the remaining reds, greens, then blues to finish this level.

Level 74 - Checker Board:
1. Click on the bottom right corner block ten times.
2. Click on the row containing three red blocks.
3. Click on the remaining blocks in any order to finish the level.

Level 76 - Diagonal Rise:
1. Click on the blocks located at the following coordinates: D1, E1, F1, F1, D1, D1, F1, G1, H1, H1, G1, H1, I1, J1, J1.
2. Now just remove the remaining blues, whites, then red blocks.

Level 79 - Bombs Can Reach After All:
1. Click on the three blue blocks on both sides.
2. Click on the two sets of three white blocks in the middle.
3. Detonate both bombs to finish this level.

Level 80 - Center Quake:
1. Click on the six separate sets of blue blocks from the top down.
2. Click on the four yellow blocks at the top.
3. Click on the large group of yellow blocks, then on the two sets of reds.
4. Click on the remaining whites, blues, then yellows.

Level 81 - Blokendipidy:
1. This level is a lot easier than it looks. Simply clear the blocks one cluster at a time starting at the top left and finishing at the bottom left. The key is to save a set of green blocks for last or else you'll get stuck with one green.

Level 84 - Green's Top of the World:
1. Click on the four blue blocks on the right side.
2. Click on the group of five red blocks at the bottom right corner.
3. Click on the yellow blocks at the bottom right corner.
4. Click on the blue blocks at the bottom right.
5. Click on the three red blocks at the bottom right.
6. At the bottom, click on the large groups of reds, blues, then whites.
7. Click on the red blocks at the bottom.
8. Click on the remaining blues, reds, whites, then greens to finish this level.

Level 85 - U Wish:
1. Click on the bottom middle bomb, the one beside the blue blocks.
2. Click on the second bomb up, then click on the top bomb to finish this level.

Level 88 - Shut I:
1. Click on any white block that is touching the top bomb.
2. Click on the four white blocks at the bottom.
3. Click on the group of eight blocks at the bottom, then click on the bomb.
4. Click on the remaining blocks starting with the white ones.

Level 92 - A Secret Message:
1. Click on all four sets of yellows starting from the top, then click on the three sets of blue blocks. See the secret message? Now click on all green blocks from the top down, click on all white blocks, then click on the big group of reds.

Level 93 - Smokestack Lightning:
1. Click on the three sets of three yellow blocks.
2. In the middle, click on the four blue blocks and four white blocks.
3. Click on the four green blocks in the middle.
4. Click on the three red blocks at the far left, bottom center, and far right.
5. Click on the four blue blocks then six red blocks at the bottom center.
6. Click on another set of four blue blocks at the bottom.
7. Click on the three white blocks, then the three green blocks.
8. Click on the remaining reds, greens, blues, then yellows to finish this level.

Level 94 - C Serpent:
1. Click on the red blocks.
2. Click on the four green blocks near the bottom right.
3. Click on the six blue blocks at the middle right.
4. Click on the five green blocks in the middle area.
5. At the bottom center, click on the large group of blues then greens.
6. Click on the group of blue blocks at the bottom center.
7. Click on the seven green blocks at the bottom.
8. Click on the four blues then three greens at the bottom.
9. Click on the four blue blocks on the third row up.
10. Click on the top-most set of three blue blocks, then on the five greens.
11. Click on the group of five blues, then on the large group of greens.
12. Click on the remaining blues then greens.

Level 96 - Gem Drop:
1. Click on the two sets of three blue blocks on the 6th row up.
2. Click on the upper two sets of three yellow blocks near the middle.
3. Click on the two sets of three yellow blocks on the 3rd row up.
4. Click on both large groups of blue blocks.
5. Click on the two sets of three yellow blocks in the middle.
6. Click on both sets of red blocks.
7. Click on the remaining blues, yellows, then whites to complete this level.

Level 97 - Bunk Bed:
1. On the fourth row up, click on the two sets of three yellow blocks.
2. Click on the two sets of three white blocks on the left and right sides.
3. Click on the three blue blocks just to the left of center.
4. Click on the three yellow blocks at the far left.
5. Click on the group of five blue blocks at the bottom left.
6. Click on the group of green blocks at the bottom left.
7. Click on the group of five yellow blocks at the bottom left.
8. Click on the four blue blocks in the middle.
9. Click on the three yellow blocks at the far right.
10. Click on the blue blocks at the bottom right.
11. Click on the last of the green blocks at the bottom right.
12. Click on the yellow blocks, on the white blocks, then on the red blocks.

Level 98 - Top Is Just Extra:
1. Remove all of the blue and yellow blocks.
2. Click on the four white blocks at the far right.
3. Click on the five green blocks at the bottom right.
4. Click on the five red blocks at the bottom right.
5. Click on the group of five white blocks.
6. Click on the group of seven green blocks.
7. Click on the group of four white blocks.
8. Click on the two sets of green blocks in any order.
9. Click on the two sets of red blocks.
10. Click on the three white blocks to complete this level.

Level 100 - Guard Post:
1. Click on the blue blocks on the left and right sides.
2. Click on the four green blocks then six blue blocks in the middle.
3. Click on the five sets of greens in any order.
4. Click on the four yellow blocks.
5. Click on the four red blocks at the bottom left.
6. Click on the large group of red blocks.
7. Click on the remaining white blocks then red blocks to finish this level.

Level 101 - Towers:
1. In the middle, click on the four red blocks then three greens.
2. Still in the middle, click on the six whites, six yellows, then three blues.
3. Click on the groups of three reds then six blues on the right side.
4. Click on the two sets of yellow blocks on the right side.
5. Click on the three greens, four reds, then four whites on the right.
6. On the left, click on the three blue blocks, three yellows, then four greens.
7. Click on the three whites and three reds at the bottom left.
8. Click on the remaining greens, blues, reds, then whites to finish this level.

Level 102 - Tough Checker Board:
1. Click on the blocks located at the following coordinates: L1, J2, J10, J10, G10, G10, E10, E10.
2. I2, I2, G2, G2, E2, E2, D1, D1, D1, D2, G2, G2, G2.
3. C7, C7, C5, C4, C5, B3, B1. Remove four greens.

Level 104 - Pinned Hatchway:
1. Click on the far left and far right bombs.
2. Click on the two sets of four white blocks in the middle.
3. Click on the two sets of four red blocks at the far left and right.
4. Click on the eight red blocks near the middle.
5. Click on the two bombs in any order to complete this level.

Level 105 - H of Innocence:
1. Click on the two sets of four yellow blocks near the top.
2. Click on the long line of yellow blocks in the middle.
3. Click on the two sets of four yellow blocks near the bottom.
4. Click on the two sets of four white blocks.
5. Click on the two sets of four yellow blocks.
6. Click on the two sets of four white blocks.
7. Click on the three red blocks, then five blue blocks, at the bottom left.
8. Click on the three blue blocks, then five red blocks, at the bottom right.
9. Click on the three blue blocks at the bottom center.
10. Click on the four blue blocks at the bottom right corner.
11. Click on the group of red blocks at the bottom.
12. Click on the group of eight red blocks on the second row up.
13. Click on the large group of blue blocks.
14. Click on the group of red blocks, then on the final set of three red blocks.
15. Click on the final group of blue blocks to finish this level.

Level 106 - Complex:
1. Click on the four yellow blocks at the top.
2. Click on the four red blocks and three white blocks on the left & right sides.
3. Click on the two bombs at the top.
4. Click on the three blue blocks at the two bottom corners.
5. Click on the two bottom bombs to complete this level.

Play unlocked levels:
If you play the puzzles at random, you'll sometimes get the chance to play a level that you haven't unlocked yet. - Submitted by Boris

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